About Ivana Stanojev
Entries by Ivana Stanojev
Getting comfortable with the uncomfortable: 5 uncomfortable situations in the classroom (or other educational settings) and how to constructively deal with them
By Pravini Baboeram (program manager/trainer at ECHO, Expertise Centre for Diversity Policy, and trainer for the #IBelong Team Teacher Reflection) and Halil Karaaslan (affiliated to ECHO) 1. When students engage in a heated discussion on a topic you’re not comfortable with – #blacklivesmatter What do you do when an issue is being discussed in the […]
I’m at University… What now?
My name is Branca Lopes, and I’m a student of Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto since 2018. I’m also a volunteer at high schools and I work at a football club twice a week. I am about to start my 3rd year at my Faculty and I couldn’t be happier, […]
My name is Charlotte Winder. I am first generation student at Edge Hill University, enrolled onto the Primary Education course with Quality Teacher Status (QTS). I have a major specialism in English and a minor specialism in Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). I will be going into my third and final year. Therefore, all […]
#IBelong makes the barriers between peers a lot easier to break – how prospective teacher experienced #IBelong
Ben Broadhurst is a student at Edge Hill University, at the Faculty of Education. Ben is about to start his second year in a Primary Education with QTS (Qualified Teacher Status), with specialism in both English and History. Upon completion, Ben will build a career in primary teaching, inspiring and nurturing curious minds of children […]
Engaging students online – 12 ideas to make online learning environment more inclusive
While preparing for the new academic year, you might be looking for inspiring practices to make your learning environments more inclusive and supportive of student engagement. #IBelong team-member, Professor Liz Thomas from Edge Hill University compiled the list with 12 such ideas, that you might find useful. Initially the list was compiled with the intention […]
Towards a Sense of Belonging in an Inclusive Learning Environment (#IBelong)
Project Ref: 2018-1-NL01-KA203-038965
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.